Tuesday, 17 May 2011

I'm Freeeeeeeeeeee...Freeeefalling!

The 28th May is fast approaching and what seemed like a good idea two months ago doesnt seem like such a great idea now. 16 of us have decided to fall out of a plane. I say fall because its unlikely that I will do this gracefully, however I shouldnt tar everyone with the same brush; the others may manage a graceful dive from the plane.

Im beginning to get a little scared, mainly because I don't particularly like heights and it doesn't seem a natural thing to do; throw yourself from 12,000ft into the open sky. That said; I've been told only good things from people I know who have done it before and most importantly its all for a good cause. The skydivers are raising money for a variety of charities; Pepper Hospice, Learn As One, The Fragile X Society, Cancer Research, The Elisa Educational Trust, Chiltern MS Centre, Help for Heroes and The Stroke Association. To sponsor the team click here.

Freefalling Love
Kerry x

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Jo's Volunteering at The Salvation Army

I am currently volunteering at The Salvation Army in Hillingdon where I have been helping out with the running of three different childrens clubs which take place every Friday night. Two of the clubs are for children aged 4-12 year olds and the third club is for anyone who is in year 7+.
During these clubs there are a number of activities which the children can get involved in some of theses include football and arts and crafts
I really enjoy being able to take part in these clubs and it looks great on my cv. 
If you would like more information on volunteering with The Salavtion Army then please contact me at jo.kingscott@googlemail.com